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Dredge Log

Sep 15, 2024 @dhrjarun 1 min read

This week on Dredge, I contacted 6 people via Twitter DM, email and Discord DM. Only the people who know me replied. I think it was not enough outreach, I need to contact more people to find those who might be very interested about it. So for the next week, I am gonna try to contact 100 people, 20 each day.

Lets see if this strategy to acquire user is suitable for an OSS project or not. Based on the result and my mood, I will try another strategy next week. I have couple of them — like launching on ProductHunt, commenting on forums, Writing some blog or tutorial or making videos.

Before sending any mails, I would like to write a good pitch. I might have to record some demo videos as well.

Talking about the technical stuff, I have been writing tests mostly, for TS types. Next week i might wanna finish writing tests, so that I could work on changing and refactoring the code.
