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Beginning to market Dredge - Dredge Log

Sep 08, 2024 @dhrjarun 2 min read

On Friday, I began the marketing for Dredge. I needed a short video to demonstrate what Dredge is. I recorded my screen writing an HTTP API and then fetching it. I think, I need people attention, so I went for a short video, or should I say I need them to understand it passively without giving it any attention first to get attention (no body give attention easily). Next I needed to find the right people to share with. I guess I need those who tried tRPC, liked it for a bit then left it for the reason it is not REST based.

I went to typescript discord and shared the video along with GitHub link. Few people talked about it. I also shared on Theo’s discord server, but nobody reacted to it yet. Tweeted on x. There’s just two likes.

To improve my result, I need to have better showcase and the more and more right people to share the showcase to.

I will record more videos and improve my landing page. I will experiment with different options for video, see which one grabs most attention.

I could contact video creators, writers who are typescript enthusiast, if they get convinced they would have bigger impact. Bigger creator would be hard to reach. I have DMed a small creator (by small creator I mean having less than 50k subscribers, but I like their videos), but he haven’t responded to me yet. I will try emailing him. I haven’t yet contacted any writers, I will do that.

Other than creators I can contact individual typescript enthusiast and talk to them. Try to convince them to try, and ask for 2-3 more people whom I can talk with. I could contact fellow Open Sourcerer who has gone through this process and ask for their advice.

I guess, it will be a gradual process, finding the right people but more people I contact, more right people I will find.

One good thing that happened on that day, I got 2 GitHub stars.
